Latest news from eHealth and Kelyon world The European Society for Medical Oncology, organized the most important Kelyon took part at the 57th Annual ESPE Meeting, held This year, for the first time, Kelyon participated in the 7th International Conference on Digital Health, supported by UCL, held in London, UK on 2-5 July 2017. Kelyon’s first time at MediWales Connects 2017, participating actively during the “Innovation Technology” Workshop, with a showcase presentation. For the first year, Kelyon among the attendees of the Informatics for Health Congress in Manchester The second edition of the Innovation Village Brokerage Event 2017 which was held at Mostra d’Oltremare, in Naples, 6 – 7 April, 2017. Funding for 300 thousand Euros, granted by Monte dei Paschi di Siena Bank and guaranteed by SACE through the “2nd Program for Enterprise” CDP, SACE and EIF (EIB Group), which provides funds to support Italian companies in their expantion abroad. Kelyon took part in the Digital Health Outlook UK and Italy Experiences in a Global Context Event which was held in Milan, on 20 March 2017. The Meet in Italy for Life Sciences 2016, held in Roma, October 26-28, 2016, confirmed the success of the previous two editions, incrasing numbers of participating organisations, countries and partners involved. Important award for the iMonitor Project – A web-based medical device for managing rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and spondylo arthritis Italy developed by Kelyon for Pfizer. Latest news from the office.
#KelyonCoffee of April,10th: keypoints
Kelyon Coffee: “AI in healthcare: lights and shadows”
Three Kelyon’s solutions in the Digital Europe Health’s recommendations
Predicting Antibiotic Resistance By Applying Machine Learning Techniques
Artificial intelligence for neurofibromatosis type 1: the AI4NEF project
Kelyon takes part to ESMO 2018
Kelyon took part at the 57th Annual ESPE Meeting
7th International Conference on Digital Health, 2-5 July, 2017
Kelyon presenting at MediWales Connects
Informatics for Health Congress, 2017 – Manchester UK
Kelyon participating in the II edition for the Innovation Village Brokerage Event, 2017
SACE and MPS BANK together to strengthen Kelyon’s exporting activities
Kelyon at the Digital Health Outlook in Milan
“Meet in Italy for Life Sciences Event, 2016”
Kelyon at the AboutPharma Digital Awards presenting iMonitor for Pfizer